About us


We Create Change Through Mobilization

World Merit Malaysia had been given the opportunity and responsibility by World Merit Global to ensure that the youth are empowered, and they can be part of positive changes. The National Council aspire to provide an ecosystem which can support the movements of youths in Malaysia that use the name of World Merit.


Key Roles World Merit Malaysia

  1. Creating Sustainable and Impactful Projects/Movements – We believe that by taking real actions that are impactful and sustainable will ensure we can live in a better world, day by day.
  2. Education for Change – We believe that we need to advocate for more people to join us and we need to always be well equipped with information.
  3. Mobilizing Others –The more the merrier. We believe to maximize positive impacts; we need more empowered youth to embark on the same journey.
  4. Amplify the Voices of Youth – We need voices of youth to be heard and have a direct influence in governments’ or it’s institutions that have effects on the wellbeing of people or environment.

Core Values and Principles

There are 9 World Merit Malaysia Values and Principles that we adhere to. We believe the 9 values and principles are the foundation of our establishment. Every member that acts under the name of World Merit Malaysia should follow and respect it. The 9 values and principles are as follows;

  1. We have a shared vision of change – creating a world that is fit for the next generations to live in.
  2. We believe in continuous learning and education for change – Everyone should have the opportunity to experience, know and ask. Meriters grow and empowered through learning.
  3. We need a regenerative culture – creating a culture which is supportive, healthy, resilient and adaptable.
  4. We promote cooperation and teamwork – We promote teamwork everywhere. We encourage councils and groups to have a cooperation with other organization to maximize impacts, as long as the organization are not contradicting with the Key Roles, Vision, Mission, Principles and Values of World Merit Malaysia.
  5. We welcome everyone to join – regardless of your background, religion, ethnic and race, you are welcome in the movement.
  1. We encourage creativity and innovation – new ways of doing things, new solutions and arts. Anything creative and innovative is encouraged.
  2. We emphasize and practice moral values – Accountability and integrity are important and taken seriously by the organization.
  3. Impactful and sustainable movements – We believe to create real change, movements should be focus only on impactful and sustainable projects.
  4. Perseverance – We know creating change and solving problems is difficult, but we all in this together, to build a better world for us and the future generations.

I believe we should Democratize Change, I think people regardless of any background, level of education, ethnicity and religion should be able to be part of lead change.
President and Founder


We aim to create change with you all. Join us at World Merit Malaysia. 


Afiq Khatem


Rizzo Rechie

Vice President

Aisyah Ashaari

General Secretary
Yi Xian_Treasurer

Yi Xian

I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete
mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure

Rachel Goh

Action & SDG Coordinator

Nazmi Mazlan

Action & SDG Coordinator

Atikah Zulkifle

Action & SDG Coordinator

Amira Pitdin

Content Creator

Nurain Syahirah

Social Media Moderator

Hardiani Izzati

Network Coordinator

Aishah Addenan

Network Coordinator

Azhar Shahrulnizam

Human Resource Executive

Syaripah Amierah

Research & Impact Executive

Azmiera Syuhada

Research & Impact Executive